
Current Week – A Firefox extension

2008-02-06 10:06

Current Week is a simple little extension for Firefox that displays the current week number in the status bar in Firefox. No more counting on your fingers or looking in a calendar just to get the week number, all that is needed is a glance in Firefox status bar. Download Current Week here…

Fler poster från » English, Firefox, Tips,

Roll cloud

2007-12-29 15:16

I browsed through my photo library and found this cloud shot I totally forgot about, it was taken in July this year. It was very strange weather that day and strange cloud formations was visible everywhere. Anyway, here is the shot of what I think is called a ”roll cloud”…

Fler poster från » English,

Video Embedder – Embed videos in your WordPress blog

2007-12-17 01:40

Video Embedder lets you easily embed videos from various sources such as YouTube, Google video and so on in your Wordpress blog. No need for any strange embed codes any more. Another advantage is that you can manage the settings for all of your embedded videos from the settings for Video Embedder and that the embedded videos won’t break the validation.

Are you using another Wordpress plugin for managing your YouTube/embedded videos today? It is very easy to switch to Video Embedder, just enter the old tag in the plugin settings and you are ready to go. Get more information and download it for free here…

Fler poster från » English, Webb, Wordpress, Wordpress plugin,

Add alt – A WordPress plugin

2007-12-15 18:41

This is a very simple Wordpress plugin that has one single purpose, to add empty alt attributes to the images in your Wordpress posts that lacks one. Since TinyMCE doesn’t add a alt attribute if you empty the alt field it breaks validation. It can be a bit frustrating to add them manually in Wordpress, now you’ll never have to do that again…

Fler poster från » English, Internet, Webb, Wordpress, Wordpress plugin,

How to improve the smart folders in Firefox 3 Beta 1

2007-11-21 20:55

Some of you have already downloaded and installed Firefox 3 Beta 1. You might have started to play around with the functions for tagging your bookmarks as well. It sure would be handy if you could have smart folders for the bookmarks, based on the tagging system. I haven’t found any way to create own smart folders easy, but there is one way that takes you a little bit further down the road at least. Read the guide here…

Fler poster från » English, Firefox,

Will iPhone soon have 3G?

2007-11-07 21:13

According to a trustworthy source within the Swedish carrier Telenor they have been sending out internal information regarding a 3G version of iPhone. From the start there has been a lot of talking about the lack of 3G in iPhone. Some people think it is a good thing while other thinks that it is one […]

Fler poster från » Apple, English, iPhone,

My Dream App – one year later

2007-10-06 15:08

So, almost a year has gone by since the My Dream App contest finished. The three apps that won the voting was Atmosphere, Portal and Cookbook. What where those applications meant to do? And what has happened? Get my thoughts here…

Fler poster från » English, Mac,

WordPress and the custom fields, a overlooked feature

2007-09-25 13:34

Wordpress is a very popular CMS, but there are features that can make it even more powerful without the usage of plugins. I am talking about the custom fields feature that exists in Wordpress. You really can use it for almost anything. Here I am explaing the Wordpress custom fields a little bit more and giving some examples on how to use it…

Fler poster från » English, Webb, Wordpress,

OS X Leopard – One OS to rule them all

2007-06-12 17:47

Time for a image that shows the benefits of being a mac user. Read more in this article…

Fler poster från » Apple, English, Mac, Microsoft,

2GB of free online backup

2007-04-27 01:29

Finally there is a nice solution for automatic online backup that doesn’t cost a dime. In fact, this backup solution is completely free of charge. The features does impress, some of them is very rare even among backup services that costs money. 2GB Of Free Secure Storage Open/Locked File Support 128-bit SSL Support (Secures Your […]

Fler poster från » English, Tips,
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